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21/22 Academy

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Intermediate Tap Level 5, 6, 7, PPD


Begins August 26, Thursdays 7:30-8:30 PM with Mr. Tap

Intermediate Tap continues the development of tap technique & terminology. Students will further develop skills including musicality and sound clarity with an added focus on increasing speed and developing style. Intermediate level tappers should expect to master double and triple time steps, traveling time steps, 4 & 6 beat riffs, double pull-backs, pick-ups, more advanced turns, as well as more intricate rhythms and improvisation. Class begins at the “tap barre” and progresses to center floor combinations and repetitive exercises, instilling a strong skill set for the advanced tapper. All Tap classes culminate with a Showcase performance in May.

Registrations for this program are closed. Please contact the Academy at or 303-837-8888 ext. 4 should you have any questions.

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